Check out our special offers and deals. They are only available to customers who book through our official website! Besides taking advantage of favourable rates, including daily lift-passes, you can take advantage of several opportunities offered by the Bulferetti Group in Ponte di Legno, such as free access to the Wellness Centre in the Hotel Mirella and an Italian aperitivo at Bar Nazionale.
Make sure to enjoy your vacation to the full!

A Christmas holiday break is a perfect way to celebrate the festive season with your loved ones. Our Christmas deals are tailor-made and offer great savings: they are only reserved to guests who book through our official website. They are valid for three or more overnight stays between 23rd December and 28th December, this must include the night of 25th December. Come to Hotel Dolomiti for Christmas, and you will not regret it…there is nothing as magical as a Christmas spent in the snow!

There is no better time for skiing than January when most people, after the traditional Christmas holidays, need to go back to work in the cities. The slopes are quite empty, there are no queues for lifts and the resorts are less crowded. This is why January is the perfect time to go on a winter vacation! Discover our special offer for a ski-trip between 7th January and 1st February: it is valid for a minimum stay of four and a maximum stay of seven nights.

Hotel Dolomiti gift vouchers make the perfect gift for any occasion, whether you want to celebrate Christmas, Valentine's Day, a birthday or a name-day. Treat your loved ones with a Gift Voucher for a holiday at Hotel Dolomiti. You can choose either a two, three or five night stay on half-board basis.
Make ski enthusiasts happy with a holiday on the snow or give the chance to people to try a ski- holiday who have never tried one before!